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Thursday 13 April 2017

Tips and tricks for a successful semester of study

By Dr IM  |  01:45 No comments

Tips and tricks for a successful semester of study

For students, adopt good habits from the beginning of the academic year helps top learning success. Here are 7 good ideas.

If you want to ensure that your studies are successful, it will of course put a lot of effort . Not all have the same strategies and working methods . You will find in this article seven good ideas to implement.

Attend ALL your classes , even the first !

Even if we assume that no content will be given during the first session of the very important information will be sent on the operation of the course , class and your teacher. In particular, a plan will be presented and it will be your checklist for the entire session .

In addition to the first , most courses are all equally important as the other . Do not attend any of them will result in a charge even more important to do work at home . The hours spent in the classroom are essential and have a lot in your learning.

Note from the beginning all the important dates on your calendar

Using the lesson plan , repeat important dates (exams, discounts work schedule , etc. . ) And rate everything in your calendar ( because you need a calendar! ) . Here's a tip if you're the type to be always late or procrastinating : register these events a week before the actual date !

More important elements , you can also specify the times when you will start to perform work or study review. To do this , we need to estimate the time required to perform these tasks in particular. If you have trouble , ask your teacher .

habit to succeed in life

Take advantage of your travel time, evenings , holidays . Make a habit with a book or a smartphone never wasting time unnecessarily. And also think enjoy every moment it is also knowing when to rest.

5th habit to succeed in life : taking steps to achieve your goals

Live a life of excellence means to be a supporter of the action. My personal philosophy is that the sky is not the limit , I'm my own limit. Everything we do or do not do will determine what we can or can not achieve .
Build an action plan. Gather resources that will be needed. Then engage yourself in the action.

6th used to succeed in life : you continually improve

The learning never stops. There is always something we can do to become better. We may have great skills and knowledge today, but they can be further developed . The excellent people sometimes started without a degree, but they continued to learn, read, meet new people , new environments.
In my career , I spent about a quarter of my time training or internship to improve in all areas.

Seventh habit to succeed in life : ask opinions
No matter how hard we produce for us improve target goals , doing what we love , we are often our best judges. A sports team needs a coach , it is not a coincidence and it is no different for you.
Get advice to your colleagues, friends, family .

Besides , I want , give me your opinion on the blog in the comments below. I am eager to know what readers think of quotes and advice I give them . If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them also .

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Author: Dr IM

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