habit to succeed in life
Take advantage of your travel time, evenings , holidays . Make a habit with a book or a smartphone never wasting time unnecessarily. And also think enjoy every moment it is also knowing when to rest.
5th habit to succeed in life : taking steps to achieve your goals
Live a life of excellence means to be a supporter of the action. My personal philosophy is that the sky is not the limit , I'm my own limit. Everything we do or do not do will determine what we can or can not achieve . Build an action plan. Gather resources that will be needed. Then engage yourself in the action.
6th used to succeed in life : you continually improve
The learning never stops. There is always something we can do to become better. We may have great skills and knowledge today, but they can be further developed . The excellent people sometimes started without a degree, but they continued to learn, read, meet new people , new environments. In my career , I spent about a quarter of my time training or internship to improve in all areas.
Seventh habit to succeed in life : ask opinions
No matter how hard we produce for us improve target goals , doing what we love , we are often our best judges. A sports team needs a coach , it is not a coincidence and it is no different for you.
Get advice to your colleagues, friends, family .
Besides , I want , give me your opinion on the blog in the comments below. I am eager to know what readers think of quotes and advice I give them . If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them also .
Habits of great people to succeed in life
Do you like the feeling you get when you realize you were good ? I think this is the case for everyone. We were born to make the most of our lives and succeed in life. Personal development is a way to help you .
At school, I never tried to be the best. I 've never forced it. Actually, I may have never even tried . However, after a while, I realized that it was not what I wanted to be.
But as I advanced in my studies, I began to take my hand. As I was improving , it allowed me to aim higher and higher .
I had two math au Bac (yes , 2/ 20) and yet I won a few years later my engineering degree . And even then , I did not stop, I went to St Cyr. After that , I even finished my first year of specialization.
1 year ago , I started the blog by Life Change Action where I share my best advice given to help others achieve personal excellence and succeed in life .
So, how to succeed in life ? I realized that there are universal habits that enable people to achieve excellence . Like them, everyone can succeed in life . As Aristotle said: "We are what we repeatedly do . Excellence is not an act, but a habit " .
These habits are not innate , they must be processed by you as for me.
Usually the first to succeed in life : think at the end
Everything begins with the end. You may be a fool when I say that I take , but let me explain. You do something not because you want to do this thing, but to get what you want to accomplish. This is the vision of what you want to accomplish that engages you in your work .