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Saturday 3 June 2017

Jawahar Rozgar Yojana / Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana | Swarnjayanti gram sarojgar yojna

  • Jawahar Rozgar Yojana / Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana | 
  • Swarnjayanti gram sarojgar yojna

Jawahar Rozgar Yojana/Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana

The NREP (national rural employment programme) and RLEGP were merged in April 1989 under the Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY). The JRY was meant to generate meaningful employment opportunities for the unemployed and underemployed in rural areas through the creation of economic infrastructure and community and social assets. Initially, the JRY also included the Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) and the MWS. Both these schemes were made into independent schemes in 1996. Under JRY, 73,764.83 lakh mandays of employment were generated till 1998-99 Employment generation progressively declined over the years, partly due to lower central allocations in the Ninth Plan and partly due to the increasing cost of creating employment.

A major proportion of JRY funds was spent on roads and buildings. Over 47 per cent of the employment generated benefited SC/STs. The share of landless labourers among the beneficiaries was 36 per cent. The village community found the assets created under the programme useful. However, against 40 per cent of population in a village panchayat who sought work, only 15 per cent were actually employed.
The JRY was revamped from 1 April 1999 as the Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana (JGSY). It now became a programme for the creation of rural economic infrastructure with employment generation as a secondary objective. The 60:40 wage labour/material ratio in the JRY was relaxed. The programme is implemented by the village panchayats and provides for specific benefits to SC/ STs, the disabled and the maintenance of community assets created in the past.

Swarnjayanti gram sarojgar yojna

This progarmme was launched in April, 1999. this is a holistic programme covering all aspect of self employment such as organization of the poor into self  help groups, training, credit, technology, infrastructure and marketing. The main objective of SGSY is to give the sustainable income to the rural poor. Every family under SGSY will be brought above the poverty line under the period of  3 years.
Under this program mainly those family comes which is under the poverty line. Even some place is reserved for SVs/STs about 50%, for woman 40%and 3% for physically handicapped person. This program try to cover the 30% of the rural areas. This program is sponsored by central and the state government in the ratio of 75:25.
It is a credit-cum-subsidy programme. Efforts are ma de  to envolve women member in each block with the approval of panchayat samities. the garm sabha have to authenticate the list of families below the poverty line.
Through the participatory process the identification of an individual families take place. Closer attention is paid on the skill development of the beneficiaries known as swarogaries and their technology and marketing needs.

This program mainly help to employ the rural areas people and trained them though the different skill for awareness and attention many posters and abhiyan were stated and for joining the swarnjaynti yojna district rural development agencies and block development officers are contacted and first of all, all the detail are collected the at particular job are assigned .

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Thursday 1 June 2017

National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM)

 National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM)

The different related schemes, TRYSEM, SITRA, DWCRA and MWS were merged into a single self-employment programme namely Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY), to be implemented by the States, with effect from April, 1999. SGSY had the objective of improving the family incomes of the rural poor while at the same time, providing for capacity building of the poor, credit availability, technology transfer/up-gradation, marketing and infrastructure development. The SGSY has been restructured as National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM), subsequently renamed as “Aajeevika", to implement it in a mission mode across the country and was formally launched on 3rd June, 2011. 
            From its inception in April 1999, 42.05 Lakh self-help groups (SHGs) have been formed under the SGSY with women SHGs accounting for about 60 per cent of the total. During 2013-14, the total number of SHGs under NRLM fold is13,15,437 of which 2,19,061 (or 17 per cent) have been mobilized in this financial year. Allocation for NRLM for 2013-14 has been kept at 
4000 crore, an increase of 
 85 crore over the previous year’s budget estimates (BE). Of this, an amount of  858.41 crore has been released up to September, 2013. 
                   Several evaluation studies have shown that the rural livelihoods programmes have been relatively successful in alleviating rural poverty wherever systematic mobilization of the poor into SHGs, their capacity building and skill development, and forward and backward linkages were taken up in a process-intensive manner. 
             Dedicated administrative structures consisting of professionals from the market, created in Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, etc. for taking up these tasks have immensely contributed to the success of SHG movement there. But elsewhere in the country, in the absence of dedicated professional implementation structures and systematic social mobilization and institution building activities, the progress of the scheme has been rather slow. Besides various states are at different stages of progress in terms of institution building and hence require state-specific strategies. 
       Common centralized guidelines/strategies would not meet the needs of all the states. Hence differentiated or state specific strategies need to be developed to cater to the specific requirements of each individual State.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

How to learn English without studying | Learning a new language : 5 Mistakes to Avoid

How to learn English without studying

Traditional courses of English did they come orchitis ? Here's how you can learn English without studying and having fun.

learn English

"Study what you love in the most undisciplined and original that you can imagine. "
R.P.Feynman .
A few days ago I posted a nice video , in English, on the Facebook page effectively . Well , guess what was the first comment I received?

"Beautiful, is sin ... incomprehensible ."

It is not the first time this has happened and certainly do not do it against those who left the comment: our school system has always been relegated to the study of English second to last , just before civic education. But it is simplistic to blame the school , many of us are convinced that learning English is just an unnecessary nuisance. Something we must do to overcome a stupid test or to beautify our curriculum vitae. Nothing could be more wrong . Today, English is no longer a habit : If you do not, you're out of the game .

Yes, I understand Andre ' , but I can not spend 1,000 euros for an intensive course in English, and then I've got no time to learn all those little rules of grammar : du bales !

The truth is that you can learn English without studying , so how did you learn to speak Italian when you were a child. In one of the first post effectively , I told you about the 4 actions I have taken over the years to perfect my English. In today's article I want to propose an alternative method. I asked Stefano Mini , author of Dynamic English , to tell us the tricks he used to learn English and that helped him to find a seasonal job in the United States .

Entrance Exam ; Govt JobsStudy Material Online Solution ; Service Center ;  MP PAT ; MP PPTMP SET,  MP SLET ; MP Board Blue PrintBoard Time TableBoard Resultsdhsgsu entrance examRGPV CBCSRGPV SyllabusSPUPGPATGUJCETDAVV CETCUCETMP PV FTNEETNESTDelhi CETGK Short Tricks Maths Short Tricks GK Objectives Study Materials; Educational Articles  objective questions MCQ questions , post metric Scholarshipminorities scholarshipgovt scholarship 

Monday 29 May 2017

Related Social Sector Programme | Jawahar gram samriddhi yojna

Related Social Sector Programme
National Horticulture Mission There are some schemes in the area of horticulture which have been implemented by the horticulture department under National Horticulture Mission (NHM) that provide a source of income to the villagers. The horticulture sector, with a wide array of crops – ranging from fruits and vegetables to orchids and nuts, mushrooms and honey has been a driving force in stimulating a healthy growth trend in Indian agriculture. India is the second largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world and occupies the first position in the production of fruits like mango, banana, papaya, sapota, pomegranate, acid lime, aonla and vegetables like peas and okra. Development of horticulture is a focus area for the government and is being promoted through a number of schemes.
             National Horticulture Mission (NHM), a Centrally Sponsored Scheme to promote holistic growth of the horticulture sector is one among the schemes. Interventions in horticulture including National Horticulture Mission (NHM) in the country, have led to increase in per capita availability of fruits and vegetables from 138 gm/person/day in 2005 to 172 gm/person/day in 2012. Similarly, per capita availability of vegetables has increased from 279 gm/person/day in 2005 to 350 gm/person/day in 2012.

Under implementation of NHM, all categories of farmers including women beneficiaries are covered in components like floriculture, beekeeping etc. As per directives of the Planning Commission, implementing agencies viz. State Horticulture Missions have been directed to ensure that at least 30% of budget allocation is earmarked for women beneficiaries/ farmers. Activities such as floriculture including protected cultivation of flowers, mushroom production and beekeeping are suitable to women farmers.

Jawahar gram samriddhi yojna

This program is restructured, streamlined and comprehensive version of the erstwhile rozagar yojna mainly designed to improve the quality of poor, this was launched on 1st April 1999. 
         The main objective of the program is the creation and development of demand of community village level and assets to enable the rural poor to increase the opportunities for sustaining the employment for the people. and we can say that the secondary objective of the yojna is generation of supplementary employment for the poor of the rural areas. This program is also implemented for the people under the low poverty line.
          At the village panchayt level this act is implemented with the approval of Garm Sabah. The sole authority for the preparation of the annual plan and implementation is village panchayat. The main sponsoring body is central and state government 
          The garm sabha gave the approval to village panchayat for is implementation even after this approval on other administrative and technical approval is required for works and scheme costing more than 50,000/- after the approval of Gram Sabah.
Under the geographical boundaries panchayat have to spend up to 15% of the allocation on maintenance of assets created  under the programme. For SCs/STs 22.5%of the fund have been unmarked. For free infrastructure barrier  for the disable 35of the annual allocation would be utilized.

       for taking a part in the programme village pradhan, panchayat member, block development officer, district collector or district rural  development agency may be consulted. This program is the new up bringing the rural development.

Friday 26 May 2017

Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana Scheme

Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana
 This scheme was launched by our honorable prime minister Shri. Narendra Modi on 11 October 2014 on birth anniversary of Mr. Jyaprakash Narayan at new Delhi. It is basically a rural development programme which focus mainly on social, cultural development of village & to spread awareness among villagers for social mobilization ( which means to take initiative for their own development/disaster). 
            The main aim of this scheme is to make a model of ideal developed village or rural area & after its completion implement it later .this scheme was set up for three “adarsh gram” by march 2019. After that five such adarsh grams (per year) by 2024.the plan was that each member of parliament have to choose one or more village or rural area as per their choice but they or their relatives/in-laws shouldn’t belong or has any sort of connection from that place. 
             The members has to adopt a village and make its developed or ideal model on the basis of which they will develop it later by march 2016 & after its completion they can adopt two or more such villages or rural areas by the next election 2019. The members of parliament will offer smart schools, universal access , basic health facilities & housing facilities to homeless villagers .Under this yojana/scheme many popular celebrities or leaders has adopted villages few of them are :-
1.)           Mr. Narendra Modi adopted Jayapur in Varanasi.
2.)           Sonia Gandhi adopted Udwa village ,rae bareli (Uttar Pradesh).
3.)           Sachin tendulkar adopted Puttamraju vari kandriga (P.R kandriga) a village near gudur in Nellore district of Andra Pradesh.
4.)           V.K singh adopted Mirpur , Ghaziabad of Uttar Pradesh.
5.)            Ahmed Patel adopted Vandari village in Rajpipada , Gujrat.

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Deen dayal upadhyaya gram jyoti yojana

Deen dayal upadhyaya gram jyoti yojana
 This is a government of india scheme which was launched on 25th july ,2015 in patna . It has named in the honor of famous Indian political philosopher “Deen dayal upadhyaya”. This scheme has replaced old rajiv Gandhi grameen vidhyutikaran yojana.  Around 75000 crores invested on this scheme. The main aim of this initiative was to provide continuous power supply to each and every part of our country. 
This scheme become necessity as farmers in rural areas required more electricity for irrigation & watering or other purpose but they were short of electricity in their area. And the main reason behind this was bad financial condition of distribution companies. This scheme has helped in strengthening these companies too.

The scheme was based on 24*7 supply of electricity which will initially helpful in the overall development of our country. Farming is the backbone of our country and when farmers gets required electricity as per their requirement it will help in growth and expands business which helps in the development of rural areas and makes our economic condition stronger  and electricity is basic requirement for all the citizens of India so only why only few parts of country enjoys it. 
This scheme becomes success within a year of implementing it till feb 2016, 5835 villages in India were electrified in 11 months and over 253 villages were electrified across the country during February 8-19 ,2016 under deen dayal upadhyaya gram jyoti yojana . out of 253 villages 111 are in odisha , 81 in Assam , 40 in Jharkhand , 13 in  rajasthan , 4 in bihar , 3 in Madhya Pradesh and 1 in uttar Pradesh. This scheme has aim to electrify about 12,597 villages in india by may 2018.

Saturday 20 May 2017

Total Sanitary Campaign

Total Sanitary Campaign
This scheme was introduced in 1999. It was the first structured program for rural sanitation in India .The main goal of Total Sanitation Campaign was to eradicate tne practice of open defecation. Community led total sanitation was not focused on building infrastructure, but on changing cultural norms to prevent open defecation.
On 2nd October 2014 Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan Campaign was relaunched as Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. The objective of this scheme was to improve the quality of the life of the rural people and also to provide privacy and dignity to women.
        The concept of sanitation was expanded to include personal hygiene, home sanitation, safe water, garbage disposal, excreta disposal and waste water disposal . The money was provided by the government to people under Below Poverty Line household latrines.  Assistance was also extended for construction of school toilets units, Anganwadi toilets and community Sanitary Complexes apart from undertaking activities under solid and liquid waste management.
One of the main objectives of this scheme was to bring about an improvement in the general quality of life in the rural areas and also to cover the remaining schools not covered under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Angan wadi centers in the rural areas with proper sanitation facilities and undertake proactive promotion of hygiene education and sanitary habits among students.

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