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Thursday, 4 May 2017

How to Organize the study

By Dr IM  |  02:14 No comments

Organize the study

Planning is the secret of all success. Before you even start to read a single page of your textbooks, you must have a plan to better address the period before the exams.

          Organizing your hours of study not only help you to study well and quickly, but allows you to experience the pre - tests with greater confidence , because you'll know exactly what to study , how much you have to study and when you have to study .

        I have written a detailed article on the study method that I used for my degree in Engineering in 5 years and honors , I want to take part today to talk to you a sure-fire technique to better organize your study hours : the technique of the 3 "R". This technique is expected to organize the study period in 3 basic steps:

Rereading : Reread all the material collected during the year on the field / exam you are preparing. This reading will help you to absorb as much information as possible about the subject and will give you the assurance that you have not missed anything . If you face a disproportionate amount of material , try to apply these 3 techniques of speed reading.

Reprocessing: Reworks the bed creating diagrams and mind maps . The reworking of the material will help you to fix in the memory the key concepts of your exam . Thanks to the concept maps you will also have a graphical representation of your exam , which will be very useful to quickly recall the most important topics of the subject you are studying . A small bonus! You have no idea where to start to identify the nodes of your concept maps ? Use the index of the textbook or the titles of paragraphs ;-)
           Unlike what is commonly known , it is not during the phase of repetition that store the material studied . The storage has already occurred. Repeat , possibly aloud , it is useful to organize what they have learned and to better address the oral exams . Want to know a little trick to make the most of this phase? Repeat as if I were a stage actor : emphasizes each sentence and gestures a lot. This behavior " funny " will help your mind to finally consolidate the concepts learned .
           I will not go over the mnemonic techniques : however, you can find the best tricks to quickly store here and is still here .

To recap: we have seen how to find the desire to study and how to best organize the hours of study , but knowing how to study effectively also means not nullify all the work done getting fucked from exam anxiety !

 Survive the night before exams

Since that time it's time , the exams have always been a source of stress for any student , but fortunately there are effective strategies to better face the exam anxiety ! Here are my favorites:

        Organize the study. Andre Wait ... this advice I've already read two minutes ago! What the hell does organize the study with exam anxiety ? ! Organizing your hours of study, not only help you to study better, but will calm many of the fears are not justified : you know exactly what you have to study and how to do it will give you a sense of control over your exam . Are you to conduct games , not your exam .

        Controls the mind . Without realizing it often in your little head keep saying things like, " I can not do it" , "there's too much to do ", " can not ." The problem with these statements is that more and more repeat become reality , increasing your anxieties . Take control of your mind ! Whenever you find yourself repeating one of these phrases destructive , pointing a finger on his forehead , reminding yourself that each of these phrases are like the barrel of a gun pointed at your head.

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Author: Dr IM

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