How to Visualize your success
Visualize your success . I recently spoke of the best visualization techniques . These techniques are particularly effective to replace dis-empowering thoughts with motivating thoughts . Dedicating 10 minutes a day to visualize yourself as you prepare well for your exams and beyond them brilliantly.
Set aside some time to relax . As you should study it is crucial that every day you manage to carve out moments of pleasure for yourself. At the bottom of the pleasures of life are like the charger of your phone: no you're fucked !
I hope you found this article useful tips and apply them immediately on how to study effectively . If you have questions , curiosity, or you yourself have great advice for the study , let me a comment! Then, if you really want to overdo it, how about you share the article on Facebook and Twitter or take a nice "+1" on Google , with those beautiful buttons below on the left? ! ;-)
Oh, I forgot : Good luck ! ;-)
But where I have the memory? ! I forgot one more thing. I am often asked for suggestions depth courses on the techniques of memorization and quick learning . My advice is to go with feet of lead : before you spend € 1,000 for a training course uncertain outcome I suggest you experiment with the tricks offered for free here on effectively . And if you want something more , I decided to make for my readers a practical guide that brings together the best new techniques of learning quickly, storing and organizing the study. The guide has a "simple" goal: to help you prepare for the exam twice in half the time. It may interest you ? Go to the page of presentation of less studied , studied better.