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Friday 13 January 2017

Successfully learn by heart : The method | Learning a new language : 5 Mistakes to Avoid

By Dr IM  |  22:05 No comments

Successfully learn by heart : The method

Learning by heart is sometimes useful . It is also the fastest way to memorize something. However, this type of learning requires an effective method to deliver results . Here's a technique that will help you learn by heart :

learn - by - heart
 Identify the key

Although our brain can save a significant amount of data , it will be rather difficult to learn your lessons each sentence by heart . Start by sorting information to identify the essential elements . Dates, names , quotes and formulas are more concerned with learning by heart . Besides, you can then use as a benchmark to establish the son of ideas. Learn by heart you will base your arguments on safe .

Repeat ! And repeat again!

After identifying the key thing to remember , get started in learning itself by focusing on repetition.

If your memory is auditory, reading parts aloud to memorize and repeat as many times as possible to save well . If you're more visual, and make repeat patterns of information using easy to remember colors. And if your memory is driving , do not hesitate to write and rewrite data to be stored to learn by heart .

Repetition is the basis of this type of learning , to connect neurons and strengthen this link . Typically, you will repeat a dozen times at least for optimal recording .

Build benchmarks

Pins are always efficient in terms of memory , even in the case of learning by heart . Scientific formulas, names of towns and people , too complicated or too many can be connected to phrases or poems , among others. For example , the great writers of the seventeenth century : Racine, La Bruyere, Corneille, Boileau , La Fontaine, Molière were grouped in the phrase " on the root of the heather, Crow drinks water from the fountain Molière ". This method reduces the amount of information to be stored . Here, it suffices to learn by heart a single sentence by making smart linking words to memorize and creating a coherent link .

Learning a new language : 5 Mistakes to Avoid

There is a myth that smart people are better to learn a new language.

The truth is that learning a new language is largely a matter of strategy, discipline and hard work .

Here are 5 mistakes to avoid to learn a new language:

learn a new language
Do not listen enough.

Some schools even think learning a new language begins with a "quiet period ". Remember when you were a baby , you learned your native language by simply listening , learning a new language begins by listening regularly. This reinforces the vocabulary and helps to understand the structures of language.

Listening is the best communication skills that you can have if you go deep into a new country, it can be a bit difficult, it is advisable to start before listening to music, tv shows or movies in the target language , listen, listen .

The lack of curiosity

In learning a language, attitude may be the key factor that defines the progress of the student . In 1970, the Anglo- French tensions were at maximum, and studies have shown that all English students who were prejudiced against French Canadians were much less able to learn French.

In contrast, a student who holds a crop in very high esteem , will be a lot easier to learn the language , your attitude defines the results you get .

Being closed minded

Studies have also shown that students with a low tolerance for ambiguity due to learning a new language.

Learning a new language includes a large number of uncertainties, students learn new vocabulary , and each grammar rule there are exceptions to know .

Students seeking a new word in the dictionary rather than trying to understand the overall meaning may feel confused and frustrated. And in some cases , this frustration grow students to abandon their efforts.

Have a unique method

Many students are more comfortable with the technique "listen - repeat " for example, others need to read to assimilate vocabulary , these two methods are very good, but only if you pair it together, one method is not enough not to learn a new language.

For a successful learning , combine experiences, reading, writing , listening and speaking the language course .

Fear to exercise the language

It does not matter how a person gets to write in a foreign language , to conjugate a verb or finish a vocabulary test . To learn or improve a new language , you must speak .

This is usually the stage where students feel the shyness or stress and begin to experience real difficulties. But it is also the stage where we learn the most , before the errors become automatic , you can learn how to correct it, and it requires to appeal to all the vocabulary that we know.

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Author: Dr IM

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