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Friday, 13 January 2017

How to successfully contest territorial editor ?

By Dr IM  |  22:14 No comments

How to successfully contest territorial editor ?

To become territorial editor , you must complete the contest. Applicants must pass several tests: essay , multiple choice questions , executive summary , oral tests , interview with a jury ... to be among the best and have a chance to access the Public Service, here are some tips .

territorial editor

Select specialty

First, you must decide the specialty to which you will turn . You can choose between general administration and the health and social sector. You then prepare accordingly. Read up on up to the specialty in question not to be caught off guard on the day J.


Press and articles are reliable allies in order to succeed your competition territorial editor . The oral test requires , in fact, the appropriate use of news to address a particular topic. And , in addition to glean as much information as you need especially lead you to make an analysis of news.


Along with your revisions , you must also lead . The contest territorial editor could immerse yourself in an unfamiliar situation , which will stress you out more. Why it is important to put yourself in situations as often as possible.

To do this , simulate the conditions of the competition : type of story , time limit ... ask your family or your colleagues to make you pass an oral interview . Do not hesitate to seek advice and listen to what they have to say about your weaknesses . So you can improve.

Follow preparation courses

Many schools offer to prepare the contest territorial editor . However, caution is in order, because the seriousness of these institutions is not acquired . Prefer institutions approved by the State and has significant experience in the field of public education.

The importance sheets revisions

To make sure you do not forget anything and to be able to review at any time, the cards are very important tools. Consider making several for each subject. Even for the oral test, review these materials are important because they help you remember what to do and what to avoid .

To become territorial editor , good organization is essential to make revisions in the best conditions .

Want more tips for your contest? Ask your 4 free videos here.

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Author: Dr IM

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