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Friday, 13 January 2017

How to study faster | How to study effectively

By Dr IM  |  22:16 No comments

How to study faster

To pass the test or competition , it is essential to learn how to study faster, here are some tips to get there easily :
study faster

 Recite what you study

The recitation should always be performed at the end of each paragraph or section . Ask yourself and test yourself . This increases understanding of a lot more than reading or listening classes. It is also a comprehension test , which can reveal errors or misunderstandings . Recite in your own words , you do not need to recite word for word . A student should always spend more time reciting orally rather than see in his head. Read or reread passages orally that seem the most difficult to remember.

Take comprehensive notes

If you have a visual memory you should take notes during your reading, because you save more by writing than by listening . For those who have an auditory memory, you should still take notes in your own words , and read them aloud. Write notes reinforces his memory and understanding.

Investigate the center of your being

The best time to review your notes it's just after the course is completed. The beginning and end of the course is what is best stored , so rather then turn your attention to the middle of the course which is the part most usually forgotten. The least memorized passage is just the end of the middle just before the end , this is the moment you have the most difficulty remained concentrated in progress.

Study before sleeping.

Investigate before sleep unless you 're really after physically or mentally, the brain processes a priority during his night of "sleep" the latest information submitted optimize this space of time by reviewing a few minutes before sleep.

Connect the ideas as much as possible

There are two ways to save : the repetition and comprehension. Multiplication tables , phone numbers , poems such are much easier to learn by repetition. The ideas, concepts , theories are easier to learn by understanding . Sometimes the two methods work together.

The more you get to make associations for an idea , the more it will make sense to you , it makes more sense the more you can study quickly. Make it a habit to always make notes to ideas or concepts to make them more understandable.

How to study effectively.

I Hold You
Made a clear plan for the management of your financial resources and your time . This is the basis of effective study.
Knowing what to eat II
Body and mind are one. What you put in your stomach also goes into your brain ( blood-borne ) . This food can hurt you or help you . Select the necessary food to whet your intellectual faculties , plus some herbal recipes to boost your memory and a " special review " regime.

III Increase the effectiveness of your course

You focus on what you want for as long as you want, it really is possible. By the morning, you have a program of activity. If you feel any laziness which you fight against the invasion will not let you down. You can do relaxation exercises , breathing a little relaxation to regain balance and zeroing in on what you would do.
Procrastination is a great danger for learning or study . If you plan to work at a time t , let not wait , do not return .
Make your contribution and regularly follow the other . Even if you believe that what you do is wrong , have the courage to present either a teacher who can help you or a classmate. Throughout the day you will progress faster than if you lock yourself out of your gaps.

IV Learning to study alone

Group work is always welcome , especially if the exchange is constructive . However it is good to regularly work alone to have good control of the lesson, it is also a way to check if they really understood the lesson.
V Develop your memory
This part will definitely enthrall because few people who have a perfect memory. By following the advice I gave in the article how to develop his memory, you are certain to acquire two weeks a significant memory.

VI Permanently delete nervous , nervous tension

To do this, you should :
Control your anxiety Plan your study and start early periods ; Set yourself targets for concrete and specific study.

Simulate an exam situation Try to identify your fears about the upcoming exam and get back on your skills before the exam.
You had to go to a review being confident that you have studied.

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Author: Dr IM

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