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Tuesday, 7 March 2017

How to balance work with study - tips for students

By Dr IM  |  21:51 No comments

How to balance work with study - tips for students

1 . Establish the objectives and awards for their achievement

This is a great habit self- motivating ! A major objective, for example , can be considered the be able to find the free time between work and study .

2 . Ask for help from family and friends

It ' important to have the support of the people closest to you. Talk to your partner, family and friends before embarking on a new course and make sure that they understand why this is so important to you. In this way , they will understand that you can not always have enough time to devote to them, at least as you would like . They will also be able to provide practical support such as, for example , helping more jobs around the house or to invite you to dinner if you were too busy to do the weekly shopping .

3 . Find a comfortable working position

Use anything that might help your concentration : times , your goals written on a piece of paper, colored pens , workstation comfortable and quiet . Think also on the time of day when you feel better or studied more concentrated. For some people, it may be the early morning.

4 . Get ready to say NO !

Be prepared to say no to requests that you would normally take at home or in the workplace . Remember, it is also necessary and important to take care of self and commitment that you have made : the study ! Remember, it is worth it . When you are workers and students at the same time , you must make clear to friends and relatives who have no time to lose and you do not want to be disturbed unless it is life or death ! Avoid anything that causes distraction for you .

Students Workers - How to balance work and study

A full-time job can be unpredictable ! For some, it is something that restricts freedom of combining study and family life.

study and work

The students who work and study seem to enjoy any "comfort" . They get their education and at the same time are able to support themselves ! However, it is not as easy as it seems likely, represent two of the most difficult things to reconcile ! So you may be wondering how you can attend university, while maintaining your work schedule challenging. Sure, you could choose to attend one of the many online universities in Italy, but the difficulties in reconciling the two may experience the same ! But, some small changes in your habits can greatly improve your skills in time management and point you in the right direction. Here are some useful tips.

1 . Having a good time management

Set up a daily or weekly and be sure to put aside time for your studies daily . Vary your study time to be able to adapt with your other commitments , such as family , sports etc. . Be aware, and accept the fact that some of your weekend will be dedicated to the study . Depending on your commitment and the need for sleep, study on a Saturday or Sunday morning ( Presto ) might be a good choice so you can have some free time later to devote to family , sports , friends, or other activities.

2 . Self- Motivate and keep in touch with classmates

Use the e-mail to share ideas and topics of study with colleagues from a university. In the study as in the work , it can be easy to lose motivation without having a constant contact with colleagues.

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Author: Dr IM

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