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Tuesday 21 March 2017

How Studying quickly and effectively

By Dr IM  |  22:08 No comments

How Studying quickly and effectively

I know what you're thinking ! Reading the title you have wondered , "Yes ... I figured if there is a method to study fast and good at the same time ! " Sure, it might not be easy. But often the poor school performance depend not only on little commitment but also from the wrong way with which you study . 
Obviously , this article will not make you become little Einstein ! I would just try to explain to you, step by step , some methods to study faster and more efficiently at the same time , especially during periods close to an exam.

velocementeInnanzitutto study , keep in mind that to effectively study is based on these four words : organization , concentration, perseverance and self-esteem. 
Only by having this in mind you can get satisfactory results ! However, seek first to establish the time available and the amount of topics to study , trying to roughly calculate the hours you need to study every single subject , in practice , will have to do a particular division (for example, 1 hour to be allocated mathematics , 2 Italian, half English and so on . ) .

 Of course , keep in mind that in life the unexpected can occur that could "shorten " the time to study ! The organization of the study, then , will be very important because in addition to give you great benefits in learning, will eliminate all your fears are not due ( before query, before an important exam etc. . ) . In practice, being organized will make you feel more mentally ready and determined . The mental aspect is important! It often happens that there is underestimated and say things like: "I can not do it" , "It'll be bad," " I can not overcome it ." 

HOW TO Studying quickly and worthful

If these statements are repeated continuously , rest assured that these " prophecies" come true really ! Anxiety devastates our minds and prevents us from concentrate ! So avoid making these considerations. Now I do not want you to think of studying at " steady pace " ! Absolutely not! It ' important that our mind has the right amount of relaxation each day absolutely must find moments where you do not think the study and do something to help us relax ( a walk, going out with friends , playing sports ) . Always remember that the study without break from time to time never leads to a good learning !

After you have followed " to the letter" these rules , it will be important to develop and maintain good concentration. To be able to find it, it will be necessary to have a lot of good will, even to be able to use the least possible time. 
To do this, always read and repeat aloud , so memorize the concepts . Another method that works for many (and I recommend you try ) is to listen to some music in the background while you are studying. In fact , according to the U.S. studies , listening to music would help to gain more concentration when it happens he needs to be chaotic and confusing situations (eg in a library or in the classroom before taking the written and oral tests ) . 

Take a 5 minute break every 30 minutes of study and make many patterns and summarized : it helps to keep your brain active and avoids distraction ! Try to sleep a few more hours ( and not at school or college !) . Sleep at least 8 hours a night makes our brain more active the next day, saving us moments of drowsiness while we are studying . Good study at all!

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Author: Dr IM

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