Learn How To Study
But even as children acquire a good method of study will be important to our training school and after -school education (school, university , work) . So , in today's article , let me give you some useful guidelines to learn how to study properly, but without presuming to provide a method of study (because one does not exist universally valid !) .
My intention is just to give you some general advice from which to find your ideal method to study !
Of course it is also true that in our career we'll have students study subjects or topics for we have not the slightest interest , but it is equally true that everything we learn not learn it in vain! Each topic that we learn will be a " more arrow in our bow ."
So when you need to study something we do not like , you have to focus on the fact that that topic , in a not so distant future , you may be indispensable. One of Proverbs says, "Who do you force to learn, learns little . What you learn willingly, learns easily. What one learns well, hard to forget . "Well ... nothing more true!
Important things for better study
Another important thing you need to do is to avoid studying memory. The worst aspect of the study mnemonic is that after a few days or a few months ....... you forget almost everything that you have learned ! You studied with more difficulty , for much longer and unnecessarily . Not to mention that the study mnemonic is "mechanical " and then passive : it stimulates the mind to think , to conceptualize , to create links and stimulates interest . Each subject / topic will then organized and analyzed in a different way . Another advice I would give is to always pay attention in class : Take notes and studied the day's lesson immediately without accumulating the job. In particular, there are three steps that will allow you to learn faster and with greater ease and effectiveness :
Study alone / or with friends , provided in a quiet environment free of distractions (TV, radio , magazines , facebook !) Where you will be able to concentrate fully , starting perhaps from materials more difficult or boring .
Always start with a first in-depth reading . Re-read , highlighted and summarized (in order to be clear about the basic concepts ) .
Repeat several times then aloud to gain greater fluency .
learn to studiarePoi , if the arguments to be studied are so many , it would be good to summarize them using concept maps : this will help you both to have a better overview of both the storage and allow you to play faster the review . Explore the most interesting concepts or those that , at first glance , are more difficult to understand through research on the internet or encyclopedias. In any case, remember that in the study as in life , it takes a healthy dose of humility! Nobody can claim to do or understand everything at once. Organize the study : never try to study more things at once because it will not generate nothing but confusion ! If an argument is unclear , do not be afraid to ask for help from a teacher or a fellow .
There's nothing wrong with that ! I doubt it is always good to clarify them as soon as possible . Many studies have shown that the threshold of attention both in an hour , on average, between 20 and 30 minutes, after which the learning will become "heavy" and slow for our poor brain ! So , from time to time, it is advisable to take breaks to distract and / or rest. Learn how to study means also and above all to learn how to effectively manage the day to make room for new experiences just as important (sports, friends, walks , etc. . ) . Another important factor is also the learning of a " food " : in fact, have a healthy diet is crucial ! Try to avoid (or at least limit ) fatty foods, fried food and alcohol during the study periods ( especially in the days before an exam ) . However , regardless of what is written in this article, remember one thing : without a good deal of commitment ... you'll never get the best results !