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Tuesday 14 March 2017

The different types of human memory and how to use | Why and how to use meditation to improve memory

By Dr IM  |  21:54 No comments

The different types of human memory and how to use

There are different types of human memory , but visual memory , auditory memory and kinesthetic memory is the most widely used in the storage of course . Depending on your dominant profile , learning should be personalized, for greater efficiency , here's how :

different types of human memory
Visual memory

Visual memory is therefore based on recordings from the eyes. If you are comfortable with the images rather than sounds, you are concerned. When your revisions , bet on sketches to optimize your memory .

Use diagrams, tables or colors to illustrate the information to be recorded .

Your brain will remember these data by " photographing ". Feel free to add custom visual effects , particularly for sheets revisions. The different types of human memory only require appropriate methods to be more efficient !

Auditory memory

If you like to listen rather than take notes , your memory is hearing .

And adopt a style review "sound " to prepare your exam. Read aloud over and do not hesitate to repeat several times to burn into your brain.

For schema , try to find the words to translate and explain your analysis aloud.

You can even make songs to further increase the "record." Among the various types of human memory , auditory memory is one of the most active .

A simple discussion of the course will enable you to store information.

Kinetics memory

If your memory is not visual or auditory, or kinesthetic is surely driving .

In this case, you need to "touch" to save. You can save the information if you plan in action. Rewriting is an effective way for you to hold classes.

Make flashcards , experience patterns for yourself . Take note of what you think is interesting.

You can even write small poems fun to record progress. It is the kinesthetic memory that probably needs more work among the different types of human memory .

Why and how to use meditation to improve memory

Meditation helps the body to relax . Through concentration and breathing , stress can be eliminated and allow a person to be more open and receptive.

Meditation is also a great tool to improve his memory. When a person is relaxed , his memory is improved .

Here are some tips to use meditation to improve your memory :
meditation improve memory

The old circle blackouts

If you sometimes forget things like a birthday comes , you will remember at least the guilt related to remember.

As you're probably already under stress , guilt goes even feed the cycle of permanent neglect and encourage your brain to let things .

 Why use meditation

Meditation allows you to empty the memory problems are often caused by too much stress, or too much concern. Meditation is the perfect tool to relax your mind and let go of some things .

Use techniques of meditation opens your mind and helps your memory improve. You will see for yourself that you can remember things that you do not reteniez before .

Such as phone numbers , dates , names, without using notes or calendars.

How to Meditate

Meditation is easy to put into practice daily. Use meditation with a development program memory helps boost your memory.

You need to find a quiet space . You can use things like candles or essential oils to help you relax . Moreover, some essential oils can be beneficial for memory.

There are now associations meet to meditate together . You can also meditate alone at home, there are many free sites who milk of meditation, and you can also find many books that deal with the subject .

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Author: Dr IM

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