Additional Student Health: Mutual LMDE or Regional Student?
Complementary health étudianteC'est the academic year and you are enrolled in higher education: you must join a social security fund student.
But every situation is a different status, age, personal circumstances and parental occupation determine your status under the student health insurance (registration is free, pay, mandatory or not).
Social Security does not reimburse all and not 100% ... it is often necessary to join a medical insurance company.
In each region, students have the choice between two mutual ensuring the Student Social Security Plan:
Mutual Of Students (LMDE);
or a mutual network of National Student Regional Mutuals: SMENO, SMEREP, MGEL, SMEREB, SMERRA, MEP, VITTAVI, SMECO, and SMEBA SMERAG.
Your membership in the social security student is when you enrolled in your institution of higher education.
To choose which organization you want to be affiliated, without waiting to make you jump with another teaching assistant you sell either of these with each other, here is a comparative table, region by region in France and mutual in the metropolis.
Complementary health étudianteC'est the academic year and you are enrolled in higher education: you must join a social security fund student.
But every situation is a different status, age, personal circumstances and parental occupation determine your status under the student health insurance (registration is free, pay, mandatory or not).
Social Security does not reimburse all and not 100% ... it is often necessary to join a medical insurance company.
In each region, students have the choice between two mutual ensuring the Student Social Security Plan:
Mutual Of Students (LMDE);
or a mutual network of National Student Regional Mutuals: SMENO, SMEREP, MGEL, SMEREB, SMERRA, MEP, VITTAVI, SMECO, and SMEBA SMERAG.
Your membership in the social security student is when you enrolled in your institution of higher education.
To choose which organization you want to be affiliated, without waiting to make you jump with another teaching assistant you sell either of these with each other, here is a comparative table, region by region in France and mutual in the metropolis.