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Friday 13 January 2017

Student Social Security Policy

By Dr IM  |  20:57 No comments

Student Social Security

Student social security is a sickness and maternity insurance that provides reimbursement to those concerned and the management of healthcare costs in the academic year, that is to say from October 1 to September 30.

The implementation of the Plan Student Social Security in 1948 is obtained by the UNEF and is under the Charter of Grenoble, which stipulates in its Article 2 that "as a young student is entitled to a pension particular social, in the physical, intellectual and moral ". Two mutual are created the same year to manage the new regime:

    MGEL which had jurisdiction over the territory of Lorraine;
    MNEF (Mutual National Students of France) who had competence on the remaining territory

In early 1970, nine regional mutuals student (SMER) were created to offer students an alternative to existing MNEF monopolistically. While MGEL's powers extended to Alsace and Champagne Ardenne.

30 years later MNEF experiencing a financial crisis and judicial, is liquidated. A new national membership is created, Mutual Of Student (LMDE).

Except in special cases, the student social security is mandatory for all students over 16 years and under 28 enrolled in higher education. The affiliation to social security is the day of enrollment in higher education.

In France, it is the students who manage mutual affiliation to social security and track record. In each region, students have the choice between two mutual ensuring the Student Social Security Plan:

    Mutual Of Students (LMDE);
    or a mutual network of National Student Regional Mutuals: SMENO, SMEREP, MGEL, SMEREB, SMERRA, MEP, VITTAVI, SMECO, and SMEBA SMERAG.

The day you enroll in university or institution of higher education, we must choose one of two management centers of social security which will follow the record of the insured throughout the years. The items required for a first admission are the high school registration card on which appears the Social Security number and a photocopy of the certificate of the parents Vitale.

The fee must be paid to the school (the membership fee to join the student social security is adopted annually by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. For information, the amount of annual dues to Social Security for the academic year 2006/2007 is 189 €).
In some cases, registration is free, depending on age and parental occupation.

students in the first line

High school reform: the students in the first line!

The declarations of Minister of Education suggesting the possibility of combining the three streams of the tank are generally in a single step with the expectations of students. An education reform in high school and therefore the degree is required but the UNL wants above all a true dialogue is established between the ministry and the education community on this issue.

Today it is necessary to conduct a genuine debate on the reform of the LAC fully involving high school students. About the initiated without consultation with students on an important subject system contributes to misunderstandings and concerns.

The university recognizes the current system malfunctions, which in particular tend to make the series S (scientific) Supreme chain instead of the guide as logic would high school students wishing to study science. The ministry, which announced proposals early next year to "rebalance" the chains, can not simply ignore this problem. The technological and vocational courses should not be forgotten either.

At a time when the government criticizes the "uniformity" of the college and wants the single question, is it really necessary to establish a pan undifferentiated for all students? For UNL, he is not a priority given the current problems of high school, and this should not overshadow the massive loss of resources in Education. In addition, to fight against the default orientations, vectors of school failure, the referral system should be rethought in depth parallel to the reflection on the LAC.

On the occasion of the National Council of UNL who will meet on 22 and 23 September next we discuss the high school reform and formulate proposals. The students will argue with the Ministry of Education. Because a secondary school reform can not be done without the participation of those concerned that the students are, the UNL take its place in the consultation for premium success of all students.

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Author: Dr IM

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