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Saturday 14 January 2017

Habits of Successful Student

By Dr IM  |  01:39 No comments

Top habits of students  

1. Studied before the more difficult subjects

For a difficult subject will need maximum effort. Then started to investigate the matter more difficult because it will be the period of time that you will have more mental energy.

2 . Review the notes before you begin to study

Review your notes before you start studying can help you do things properly. In addition , the notes may include information that will help you complete a task in the best way .

3 . Tell your friends not to disturb you during your time of study

Two study problems can occur if your friends will call you in the timetable of study. First, the work will be stopped and then it will not be so easy to go back to what you were doing. Second , your friends will also tell you about things that can distract you from what you should do. Here's a simple idea : turn off your cell phone during the study.

4 . Turn to others for help
As they say .... " no one is born learned " ! When you can not understand a topic, do not be afraid or ashamed to contact a friend or acquaintance who can help you better understand a subject . Sometimes also the pride drives a person to ask for help . Remember you do not always get along with the pride of intelligence !

5 . Review the homework done over the weekend

Yes , I know! The weekend should be fun time. But you should also find the time to review some notes or task done. This will help you to be more ready for Monday morning.

5 habits of successful student

Successful students always have good study habits . They shall apply these habits constantly during their student life. In today's article I would like to share with you the ones that , in my opinion , are the habits that each student must necessarily develop to succeed in the field of study.

1 . Try not to study too much at once

If you try to learn too much at once , your studio will not be very effective. Try to organize your study in shorter periods of time. Take short short breaks during the study will help ripristinane your mental energy .

2 . Plan specific times for studying

Study time is that time when you are doing something related to schoolwork . Scheduled for specific times for study time during the week.

3 . Try to study at the same time each day

Studying at the same times each day establishes a routine that will become a regular part of your life, just like sleeping and eating. When a study time will be scheduled during the day, sarate mentally prepared to begin studying .

4 . Set specific goals for the study time

Having goals will help you stay focused and monitor your progress. Just sit down to study and will have little value ! You will need to be very clear about what you want to accomplish in your moments of study.

5 . Started to study when you planned

You might start studying with a little behind schedule when you do not like a particular subject or think it is too difficult. A delay in the study is generally called " procrastination ." If you procrastinate for any reason, you will be in trouble then do it all when you need to . You might as well be in a hurry to recover the time lost , which will surely lead to a job and negligent mistakes.

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Author: Dr IM

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