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Thursday 30 March 2017

How to overcome exam anxiety | How to Optimize Time Study

By Dr IM  |  22:23 No comments

How to overcome exam anxiety

The exam anxiety is a problem that also afflicts students better prepared and which should not be underestimated. In fact, this " disease" can inhibit the performance of the human intellectual , causing problems with memory and concentration, and consequently worse student performance examination . So today I would like to list some of the ways useful to deal with an oral exam with much more confidence .

anxiety esamePer First, have you ever wondered what is the actual exam anxiety and what causes it? It is a disorder that is very similar to performance anxiety ! The student who suffer from exam anxiety self- convinced that, during the interview, and will not be assessed both his performance , but only his personal ability and his intelligence ! So , the student will quantify their self-esteem by external recognition ! The exam anxiety , usually affects the student as the day of the examination and results of the real "side effects" , such as insomnia, irritability, nervousness, forgetfulness and inability to concentrate . Now the question arises:
"It 's possible to overcome or manage anxiety pre-exam ? " . To begin, you will need to resize the importance of the exam! The student anxious in fact, will vote in a confirmation or non- confirmation of their personal ability, a way to get the approval of others ! But the examiner , mettetevelo that into your head , simply evaluate our preparation regardless of our person! So you have to necessarily replace all negative thoughts (like the famous " I will not make ever !") With phrases like " I can do it."

A very useful remedy is to study in the company of a colleague in order to discuss and share their anxieties. Try to produce in advance a program of study that will examine face get well prepared , but it will also be important to alternate moments of study and moments of pause in which you can distract with a pleasant and relaxing activities .

Finally, as you can handle instead anxiety during the exam? First of all, do not try to study the day of the exam , because it could only add further confusion and anxiety ! If you can, try to accompany you to a friend or a relative on the day of the examination, so as to have a moral support. One last tip that I can give you , is to confess to the teacher .... your anxiety ! It is scientifically proven that the more you try to hide it , the greater ! But just talk to the teacher , you will need to reduce it ! Then take a deep breath and take some time before answering the questions.

How to Optimize Time Study

precipitously , one of the dreams of each student would be to get the maximum results with minimum effort! But in reality , it would be a little too optimistic to think you have a good academic performance by sitting most of the time in front of the TV or PC ! . However, being able to study well and in a short time , it is possible . It 's all a matter of practice : buying a good method of study , you will have already done half the job. Now let's see some useful advice to be able to optimize the time to dedicate to study .

effectively study

Paying Attention In Class
First, you will need to pay close attention during the lessons in the classroom. In fact , carefully follow the explanation of the teacher, you will have to acquire most of the content from having to study at home! Understand then what is it ease your work , because during the afternoon will touch only repeat and fix those concepts in the mind .

Abstracts and Concept Maps

Making patterns , summarized and conceptual maps will help the mnemonic process . The brain , in fact , can be considered as a sophisticated network of wires in which the information travels through electrical stimuli . More links are created , the more impulses in the brain will be able to launch . The creation of conceptual maps will also be very useful when you need to repeat : having to read an entire chapter will be much more expensive in terms of time and energy faster than reading a map!

The Emphasize Keywords

Try to find keywords for each topic and sottolineatele to put emphasize on the book, on the notes and summaries . It 's very important! At this stage, try to use the color " bright " , because it helps the mind to better focus on the most important concepts , which will focus on the speech. Have you ever , especially during a query, the teacher will face a question that at first you are not able to respond and just that someone will suggest a word to have everything clear ?

Always Repeat Aloud

Repeat out loud ( especially in front of a mirror) will allow you to improve the way of exposure. The reflection of the mirror, also , to our brain will believe that there is someone to listen to us and this will help to overcome the fear of a possible block that may occur during the exposure in front of the professor !

Do not Procrastinate !
Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today! This is because accumulating topics to be studied is always counterproductive. This is because before a heavy amount of homework to do and the idea of ??having to recover , it may discourage you to the point that you no longer want to open the books ! So , I suggest you organize the study without referring lessons : study topics every day!

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Author: Dr IM

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