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Monday, 23 January 2017

Should Hindi be the official language of India ?

By Dr IM  |  22:27 No comments

Should Hindi be the official language of India ?

Many cities in India have different –different languages  the people doesn’t know one language which is spoken by everyone  Hindi  should not be the official language  it is the majority but it is very different that all spoke Hindi and Hindi is majority That has been tried already, with destroys results; that attempt should not be repeated. Many Indian peoples (like Bengals, Tamils and others) are proud of their own languages and traditions. Using English and learning several Indian languages seems to work fine, and people will gather an understanding of Hindi people are very sensitive and touchy about their own languages, and will certainly protest against  if the Government even seems to create an issue on Hindi without heeding the sensibilities of the Non-Hindi speaking population.
Though it may appear far fetched at this point of time, world history is replete with strife or secession due to one section attempting to impose their culture, religion or language on other people. Many people blindly believe that Hindi should be made the National Language, because it is having largest number of speakers ranging from 35% to 41% or even more. I don't think it is required anymore to make Hindi our National Language. Now we should focus more on Nation Build-up and this is only possible if we will be united. And united nation is only possible if we respect each other's culture and Languages. Toga the  with Tamil, Kannada, Bangla, Marathi, etc., National language represents the culture & tradition of the country.
Even the very small country like Singapore respects their <5% population, recognize their culture and value them as their Citizen. But in India the majority Hindi always refuses to recognize the minority languages as the rightful Citizens of India as equivalent to them. India is a country with multi ethnicity, multi language, and multi religious. We should respect every one equally regardless of their population.
Though Hindi is not a constitutionally recognized National language, but it is rumored and respected by Union Government as a only National language. All other language people are treated as second grade citizens of the country.

Few Tamil, Bangla, Telugu, Malayalam language movements were fighting for the equal rights since independence. There is no National Language for the country, and I think it is not needed as well. India is a diverse nation and its diversity is reflected by these facts. And we should not be Judgmental about the Languages we speak, because it is just a mode of communication and every language in India deserves equal respect. However I believe that Hindi should be taught in Hindi speaking states and also researched more. It is a beautiful language for those who speak it. But it is not necessary to be national language.

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Author: Dr IM

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