Mukhyamantri Laptop Yojana MP:-
Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh
Chouhan has announced to give laptops to all SCs and STs students who will
secure 75 percent marks in class 12th.” All student of SCs-STs securing
distinction in 12th board exam will get laptops”,saidChouhan while addressing
a function to mark Gyanodaya divas on
Saturday. He said , government will open gyanodaya schools in all districts and
observe ‘gyanodaya day’ every year. The chief minister also said number of
seats in a school will be increased to 640 from current 280. They will be
provided sports complexes, he added. The chief minister also called upon the
student to work hard and dream big to achieve their goals.
In a prelude to Assembly election, Madhya
Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Monday Distribute cheques for
the purchase of laptops to student who have scored above 85 percent in class
12th and also handed over loan sanction letters to 90 youths to set up business
enterprise . The Chief Minister,who is seeking the third term, announced that
the state government would next month
distribute laptops to those student of private school who have scored 85
percent and above in class 12th.
Mukhyamantri Yuva Swarozgar Yojana (MMYSY) in Madhya Pradesh:-
Mukhyamantri Yuva Swarozgar Yojana Started on
1st Aug.2014 is a financial assistance scheme help people get loans from banks
to setup their own small business. The MP Government under the scheme provides
margin money assistance, interest subsidy,loan guarantee and training to the
beneficiaries. The main objective of the scheme is to promote entrepreneurship
in the Madhya Pradesh without the need for collateral security.
1. Only
the permanent residents of MP are eligible to avail the scheme benefits.
2. The
applicant should have passed at least 5th class.
3. Age
of the applicant should be between 18 to 45 years.
4. The
applicant should not have been declared defaulter by any of the nationalized or private sector banks.
5. The
applicant should not already be getting assistance under any state run schemes.
6. The
schemes is available only to set up industry company.
Mukhyamantri tirth Darshan yojana in MP:-
Mukhyamantri Tirth Darshan Yojana, 9,732
pilgrims will visit various centers of pilgrimage in September. Journey will be
held from September 3 to 27 in which domiciles of Madhya Pradesh over 60 years
of age will be taken Rameshwaram, Dwarka, Triupathi and Puri.
A train under the scheme to Rameshwaram from
bhind district to sept. 3 will carry 220 pilgrims, Gwalior 267, Bhopal 311 and
Raisen 175, train on sept. 5 will carry
160 pilgrams from damoh,Panna 130, Jablpur 318, Narsinghpur 140, Mandla 135 and
90 passengers from dindori district, on sept.6 , 300 passengers from indore,
180 dhar, 120 barwani, 80 shajapur , 180 chhindwara and 113 from seoni district
on sept.14, 280 pilgrams from Dewas, 357 Ujjani, 101 agar-malwa and 235
passengers from sehore district; And Like this from many of other places.
Under this scheme government makes sure that every old age people get the privilege to visit the pilgrimages by providing the financial support and facilities in their entire life time. some time the situation occur the old age people do not get the family support even the family member their children do not keep there parents with them and they transfer them to old age home so at that age they are not able to visit the holy places so that they can get the moral support so our government provide the facility to such people so that they can visit the place but they have to fulfill the certain criteria those are such as follow :
Ø He/she should belong to Madhya Pradesh.
Ø Their age must be more than 60.
Ø He/she never visited the pilgrimage.
Ø He/she must be mentally and physically able to visit and not having any disease like TB, coronary thrombosis, coronary and non infectious diseases.
If it is found that the given details of the person visiting the pilgrimage are filled incorrect that their age is less than 60 or they already visited the pilgrimage then at that time the facilities provided to them will be cancelled and their tour will stop their and they will be presented before the authority to give the valid reason for performing such an act.
Our government providing the facility of visiting only one place and they assign the certain train and people for helping the old age people so that at that age they can faces no difficulties in visiting.